

File Protect System, FPS

  1. Introduction
  2. Functional panels
  3. Control panel buttons
  4. Control process buttons
  5. Search mode


File Destroy Manager (FDM) is a specialized application for files and folders destroing. This also determines the way in which the individual elements are built and the communication between them.

The main purpose of FDM is to ensure reliable destruction of files and folders, the information about which is written in file packages. This requires the interface of the application to be as close as possible to well-known file managers, which hinders the work of users.

The application is built on a modular principle, and each module can function both completely independently and as an element of the overall solution.

The main component is the control panel of the system, which allows management of the destruction and remediation processes as well as processing of the results of the operational control.


The individual modules of the application are built one or several functional panels.

Each of these panels is used for a limited set of general or special purpose functions. Work functions are grouped into function blocks.

Each of these panels allows control over a limited set of general or special purpose functions. Functional groups are grouped into functional blocks, allowing easier access, control and management.

One or more buttons are located on each of the panels, by means of which processes of general or special purpose are managed. Each panel, on which buttons are positioned, as well as fields for displaying control information, forms a functional group.

In turn, the functional groups are combined into functional blocks, allowing easier management of the individual functional modules included in the application.

Note: In the standard versions of the application, this panel is fixed at the top in the upper part to the left of the control indicators.

File Protect System, FPS, control panel
Fig.1. FDM control panel.

The application control panel contains a set of general purpose function blocks.

Control panel function blocks

  1. Control panel
  2. Processes indicators
  3. System navigation
  4. Current directory
  5. Directories tree (shell tree)
  6. Disk drive information
  7. List of files and directories (shell list)
  8. Selected file information
  9. Selected file detail information (debug information)
  10. The file package contetnts
  11. File package list (package notebook)
  12. Operational status


System Buttons

The central process control unit contains a set of special and general purpose function buttons.

Conventionally, the buttons are divided into general-purpose, system and tool buttons. Instrument and control buttons are smaller in size than system and general purpose buttons.

In addition to the system buttons, the control panel also has a set of buttons that activate auxiliary modules.

Note: Some of these modules are practically autonomous applications with their own functionality, which are subject to separate consideration.

File Protect System, FPS, control panel
Fig.2. Control panel system buttons.

The activation of system functions in FDM can be done both from the system menus and by clicking on the corresponding buttons located on the control panel.

The system buttons are as follows:

  1. Load files meta data to selected package
  2. Save files meta data from selected package
  3. Single package mode / Packages notebook
  4. Search file mode ON / OFF
  5. Create control report (for selected package)
  6. Encrypt meta information (for all packages)
  7. Decrypt meta information (for all packages)
  8. Shredding selected files / Destruction the files written in the package

Control Panel System Buttons
(FDM-SPE edition)

Icon Caption Function Shortcut


Load files meta data to selected package

Save Save files meta data from selected package Ctrl+Alt+S
Single Single package mode Ctrl+Alt+F8
Notebook Packages notebook Ctrl+Alt+F8
Search Search file mode ON Ctrl+F
Search Search file mode OFF Ctrl+F
Report Create control report Ctrl+P
Encrypt Encrypt meta information F9
Decrypt Decrypt meta information F10
Destroy Destruction the files written in the package F12
Shreding Shredding selected files F12

Tool Buttons

Included in the FDM is a set of auxiliary modules that allow the execution of actions outside of those concerning the main processes.

Some of these modules are integrated and some are external.

File Protect System, FPS, control panel
Fig.3. Control panel tool buttons.

The activation of these modules modules is performed either by selecting from the corresponding menu or by means of a tool buttons or shortcut.

The tool buttons are as follows:

  1. Create package
  2. Quick analysis (FIM for files in package)
  3. Create archive (backup files in selected package)
  4. Local drive sanitization
  5. Create new notebook
  6. Load notebook
  7. Save notebook
  8. File integrity monitorig (FIM)

Note: File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) checks the files whose information is written in the selected package.

Control Panel Tool Buttons
(FDM-SPE edition)

Icon Tool Shortcut

Create new files package

The selected package quick analysis Shift+Alt+A
Backup the files in selected package Shift+Alt+Z
Wipe folders ot local disk (local disk sanitization) Shift+Alt+Del
Create new notebook Shift+Alt+B
Load notebook Shift+Alt+L
Save notebook Shift+Alt+S
The file packages analysis Shift+F3

Navigation Buttons

Navigation buttons are used on application to allow the user to navigate between the directories or logical drives.

By using navigation buttons it then becomes easier for users to access root directory, logical drives etc..

The buttons are present in every system control module available on application.

File Destroy Manager, FDM - control panel
Fig.3. Control panel navigation buttons.

The navigation buttons in the FDM main module are as follows:

  1. Directory back (Previous)
  2. Directory forward (Next)
  3. Go to root directory
  4. Previous directory

Navigation Buttons
(FDM-SPE edition)

Icon Caption Functionality Shortcut

Go back

Go directory back

Ctrl+Left Arrow
Go forward Go directory forward
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Rooting Go to root directory
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Directory Up Previous directory
Ctrl+Up Arrow


Process control buttons allow the user to quickly access functions such as disk sanitization, file and folder destruction, workbook editing, and more.

Conventionally, the processes are divided into main and auxiliary. In many cases it is difficult to make such a division. The reason for this is that real users use the functionality of the application in a different way according to their specific needs.

File Destroy Manager, FDM, control panel
Fig.3. Control process buttons.

The process buttons in the FDM main module are as follows:
  1. Sanitizing selected logical drive or folder
  2. Add selected files and folders to package
  3. Destroy selected file
  4. Clear and delete selected package
  5. Clear files in selected package meta information
  6. Delete files in selected package (shredding package)

Process Buttons
(FDM-SPE edition)

Icon Functionality Shortcut

Wipe (sanitizing) selected logical drive

Add selected files and folders to package Alt+Enter
Destroy (shredding) selected file only Shift+Alt+D
Delete selected package Shift+Alt+Del
Clear files meta information in package Shift+Del
Change the destruction mode (as checkbox) F12


Changing the destruction mode is an extremely important feature. Turning this option on or off allows actions to be performed selectively either on the selected files or on those whose description is found in the selected package.

In the first case, the files and folders selected in the shell list will be destroyed. In the second case, the actions will be performed only and only in relation to those files, the information for which is recorded in the file package, and only if they are accessible.

The search mode allows actions to be performed on files that have been selected according to certain criteria.

The search mode allows actions to be performed on files that have been selected according to certain criteria. When the system is in search mode, the destruction or addition of files to the packages will be performed only with respect to the selected files. This option is extremely important when developing metascenarios to destroy large arrays of files.


Unlike all other panels, the File Search panel is not previewed by default.

The settings of the search process and display of results are carried out from the corresponding section in the main menu of the control panel.

File Destroy Manager, FDM, control panel
Fig.3. Control process buttons.

The buttons used to control the search process are as follows:

  1. Start the process of searching for files according to specified criteria
  2. Stop the search process for files based on specified criteria
  3. Clear the criteria and start a new search

File Search Buttons
(FDM-SPE edition)

Icon Caption Functionality Shortcut


Start search process

Stop Stop search process Shift+Esc
New search Start new search Shift+F5
