
FILE AND FOLDERS MANAGEMENT Add, copy, rename and delete files and folders.

FPS - OneDrive

  1. Summary
  2. Functional panels
  3. File management buttons
  4. File encryption


The files operations that can be performed are copying, moving, renaming, and deleting. Their reliable and secure performance is extremely important in the day-to-day work processes.

Reliable and secure execution of basic file and folder operations in the FDM exploitation process facilitates the performance of file system management duties and ignores the possibility of committing errors that would lead to the destruction of the integrity of the information arrays.

In addition to the features listed, File Desroy Manager allows full control of files and folders on other installed applications such as antivirus software, text editors, table data processing programs, business applications, etc.

For example, the operator can scan files and folders for any suspected viruses or other malicious code using any of the popular anti-virus programs, without in any way causing conflict with the encryption system. In this way, the security of the operating system and the computer configuration is guaranteed.


The individual modules of the file manager are made up of one or several functional panels, united according to their functionality.

Each of these panels is used for a limited set of general or special purpose functions.

Work functions are grouped into function blocks.

FPS Files Management

Fig.1. File management control panel. Search mode.

File manager function blocks

  1. Control panel
  2. Processes indicators
  3. System navigation
  4. Current directory
  5. Search panel
  6. Directories tree (shell tree)
  7. List of files and directories (shell list)
  8. Selected file information
  9. Selected file preview
  10. File name input field
  11. Status panel


The file management unit contains a set of special and general purpose function buttons.

Conventionally, the buttons are divided into general-purpose and system buttons. Instrument and control buttons are smaller in size than system and general purpose buttons.

The system buttons are identical to those used in the control panel. The reason for this is that both the file manager and the control panel are configured in a way that allows efficient management of files and directories.

FPS Files Management

Fig.2. File management system buttons.

File manager system buttons

  1. Create new directory
  2. Rename selected file ot folder
  3. Search for files by specified parameters
  4. Encrypt selected files and folders using standard encryption method
  5. Decrypt selected files and folders using standard encryption method
  6. Moving selected files and folders in recycle bin
  7. Delete selected files and folders

Files management system buttons

(FDM-SPE edition)
Icon Caption Function Shorcut


Create new directory

Ctrl + N
Rename Rename selected file or directory Ctrl + R
Search Search for files by specified parameters Ctrl + F
Encrypt Encrypt selected files and folders F9
Decrypt Decrypt selected files and folders F10
Recycle Move selected files and folders to Recycle Bin Alt + Del
Delete Delete selected files and folders Shift + Alt + Del


The file manager allows encryption and decryption of selected files, using standard cryptographic primitives.

In this case, the cipher algorithm, crypto mechanism and hash function used will be identical to those set in the standard file encryption setup module.

Even if no user password is entered, the selected files and contents of the selected folders will be securely encrypted.

This form of encryption is called operational encryption and is used when it is necessary to conduct crypto processes that were not previously planned.

FPS Files Management

Fig.3. File management standard encryption.
