
CONTENT MANAGEMENTAdd data. Normalization. Delete data.

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  1. Add data
  2. Delete the information in the file package
  3. Merge file packages
  4. Normalization of the records in the package


Adding metadata is the process of recording information (name, path, last revision, checksum, etc.) for the specified files and directories in the current package.

In this case, the selected files and directories can be located on different physical devices, including external storage devices, network and mobile ones.

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Fig.1. Save metadata to file package.

Adding files and the contents of selected directories is done by highlighting them in the Shell List, after which Alt+Enter key combination is used.

A better approach is to use the Add selected to package control button, which function is to add to the package the metadata of the selected files and folders to the selected package, as shown in the image.

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Fig.2. Save metadata to file package.

Older versions of the app use a combination of Alt and Left Mouse Button. This combination can be used here as well, in which case only the selected file or folder is added to the package.

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As a result of these actions, information about the parameters of the selected files and folders will be added to the file package. This information may be periodically supplemented and/or edited according to specific needs.

The contents of each file package can be visualized using a control report. In order to do this, it is necessary to select Patckage - Patckage files report from the main menu or use the combination of keys Shift+Alt+P. As a result, a report will be displayed that contains comprehensive information about the contents of the selected file package.

Note: When a directory is selected, the package will record information about all files that are stored in that directory, whether they are there or in any of the subdirectories if any.

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Fig.3. Contents of the file package.


Deleting information in the file packages allows editing of the contents without in any way affecting the physical integrity of the files and directories.

File packages are a major component in the practical implementation of File integrity monitoring, over local, network and/or server files and directories, as well as those that are physically located on external media, including and mobile devices.

There are two forms of clearing records in file packages as follows:

To delete selected entries, use the Ctrl+Enter key combination.

In this case, a message will appear on the screen warning that the selected record will be deleted. The deletion will only take place if the selection is confirmed.

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Fig.4. Delete selected record.

In Deleting all files in the package, it is done using the Shift-Del key combination or using the Clear files button, which is located in the lower right corner under the table in which the information about the contents of the selected package is displayed.

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Fig.5. Delete all entries in the package.


Consolidation of file packages allows information from multiple packages to be combined into one common package.

The information contained in the exported data can be stored both in an encrypted (protected) form and in an unencrypted form. Encryption of spreadsheets is recommended when they are saved on devices that can only be accessed by a single user, during data transfer, and in case of critical information for official use.

As with files, in this case it is allowed to combine file packages that are physically located on different physical devices.

Note: In enterprise versions of the application, where package files are saved to databases, the merge is done in the current database. More on the topic and the specifics of the process in this case can be found in the official documentation for the specific decision.

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Fig.6. Merge file packages.

In order to add the content of a file package to the selected one, it is necessary to select from the main menu Package - Load package descryptive metadata or to use a combination of Ctrl+Alt+L keys.

Note: If all records in the fileset are previously deleted, then a refresh of the fileset will be performed, not a record merge.

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Fig.7. Load package descriptive metadata.

The next step is to select a package whose records will be added to the used one. It is important to know that it does not matter what the file format is (binary or text). The only thing that matters is that it is a spreadsheet containing the records of the package we are going to import.

If, for example, the file package is in the default format, namely File Package Metadata (*.fpd), this does not prevent entries from packages saved in JSON, XML, CDS or other formats from being added to it.

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Fig.8. Load package descriptive metadata.

During the recording process, the application automatically checks whether the information being added is no longer available in the package. If a record matching the one we're adding is found to exist, it will be ignored. In parallel with this, normalization of the table and checking of the presence of correspondence (checking whether the file whose data we are adding is available) is performed. In case of non-compliance, a service message will be displayed on the screen.

Regardless of the results of the physical file availability and/or access check, records that are not duplicated will be added to the package being used.


The process of normalizing the records in the batch consists of a series of checks aimed at minimizing the possibility of duplication, as well as numbering the records in ascending order, depending on the input sequence.

Normalization is performed in two modes as follows:

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Fig.9. Normalization of the records in the package.

In order to perform normalization (analysis and correction) of the entries in the selected package, it is necessary to select Package - Package files analyzes from the main menu of the control panel or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+C.

During the execution of the normalization process, the control panel of the application will display information about the processed records. The indicator on the right side will show the completion percentage.

The duration of the normalization of the records in the file package depends only on their number. The size of the files in no way affects the speed of the process.

A delay may only occur if the files are located on a remote network drive, file server, or mobile device. In these cases, the speed will depend on the speed of the connection.

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Fig.10. Encrypted metainformation in selected package.

The results of the file bundle record normalization process can be obtained as a control report.

For this purpose, the Alt+P key combination can be used or the Print option can be selected from the PopUp Menu of the process control field (Control information memo).

Note: More information on process control can be found in the relevant section.

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