
File packages allow sequential execution of a series of operations over physical files, if available.
Each of the operations is performed for each record in the fileset. If the file is not available (missing physical device, no connectivity, or the file has been removed), this is reflected in the package, but does not terminate the processing process.
In the event of an error and/or inconsistency with the information recorded in the package (the operational status recording), a record of the detected malfunction is made , after which the processing of the next record in the sequence is processed.
Starting and/or terminating the processes of files and directories, information about which is stored in file packages, is performed by the system operator in all standard versions.
In the enterprise versions of the application, processes can be started from system metascenarios, and their execution in this case is tied to predefined criteria (time markers, user groups, distributed solutions, etc.).
Note: If the package is empty (missing entries) processing is not performed.
Regardless of the version of the application used, each file package is saved in a specialized electronic notebook (workbook).
Both file packs and notebooks are local and/or server spreadsheets. The difference is that the notebooks contain a description of the packages. These descriptions contain both information about the package's unique number (identifier) and information about what crypto primitives will be used by default for the package.
Note: The information about the default crypto primitives is not critical. No secret keys and/or description of encryption mechanisms are stored in the notebooks in any way and in any form.

Fig.1. The package notebook.
Unlike file packages, the information contained in workbooks cannot be used to verify the integrity of files or to make changes to monitored directories.
Notebooks also allow exporting to spreadsheets in a variety of formats, whether local and/or server-based.
In order for the meta information in the file package to be exported, we need to select Package - Save notebook descryptive metadata from the main menu (as shown in the image) or press a Alt+S key combination.
Another possibility is to click on the button Save Notebook (located in the group Tools Butons), located on the control panel.

Fig.2. Exporting an e-notebook.
The application allows exporting the e-notebook to local spreadsheets in the following format:
- File Package Metadata (*.fpd);
- File Package Information (*.fpi);
- Binary File (*.fds);
- Local Database File (*.fdb);
- Associated Database (*.adb);
- Client Data Set Table (*.cds);
- JavaScript Object Notation (*.json);
- Extensible Markup Language (*.xml) etc.
What is important to know is that when the application is initially launched, a workbook is automatically created that has an empty file bundle in it. Depending on the version used, this e-notebook can be local or server-based.
The data security policy requires that e-notebooks and packages be separated in both on-premise and server solutions. This means that in the enterprise versions of the application, the tables containing electronic notebooks and those containing file packages will be in two different databases.
Another characteristic feature is that when exporting and/or importing local electronic notebooks, synchronization with the tables containing information about the file packages must be performed.
Note: By default, file packages are exported in File Package Metadata (*.fpd) format.
When creating a new package, a new spreadsheet with a unique identifier is generated, in which the meta information about the files in the package will be recorded.
When local file packages are used, the application will create a file that will be written to the current directory where the package information is stored.
If a server version is used, then one or more tables will be created in the dedicated database to store the metadata. In enterprise versions, these tables are in secure form and require the established authorization protocol to be followed.

Fig.3. Enter the description of the package.
In order to create a new file package, it is necessary to select Package - New package from the main menu or use the quick link Alt+N.
Another possibility is to click on the button New Package (located in the group Tools Butons), located on the control panel.
As a result of these actions, a module will be activated in which the description of the new package is entered. The main fields are as follows:
- Package name - Enter the name of the package, using upper and lower case letters, numbers, spaces and special characters. The name does not have to be unique but is recommended.;
- Description - Description of the package. Used to enter a short description. For example "Work files", "Study files", "To delete" etc.. ;
- Note - Used to enter additional description or notes related to the package. In a number of cases, the current status of the package is described, such as "Testing", "Working", "For distributed use", etc.
To generate a new package, press the Enter key or click the Apply button located at the bottom right. As a result of these actions, the new package will be saved in the electronic notebook, as shown in the image.

Fig.4. Create new package.
Once the package is created, it can record meta information about the contents of selected directories and folders, as well as perform operational checks for content consistency.
The package information can be edited if the need arises to do so. The changes made will not affect the contents of the package in any way and in any form.
In order to edited file package information, it is necessary to select Package - Edit package from the main menu or use the shortcut Alt+E as shown in the image.

Fig.5. Edit file package information.
When local file packages are used, the application will create a file that will be written to the current directory where the package information is stored.
If a server version is used, then one or more tables will be created in the dedicated database to store the metadata. In enterprise versions, these tables are in secure form and require the established authorization protocol to be followed.

Fig.6. Edit package name.
When editing the information for the selected file package, the unique identifier of the package will be displayed at the top of the module.
This identifier will only exist as long as the file package is in use. When the file package is deleted the identifier is removed and cannot be repeated for another package.
When a file package is deleted, the information about it in the used electronic notebook is deleted. Deletion in no way or in any form affects the integrity of the physical files whose information is recorded in the package.
In order to deleted file package, it is necessary to select Package - Delete selected package from the main menu or use the shortcut Shift+Alt+Del.

Fig.5. Edit file package information.
It is also possible to click on the Delete package button, which is located in the lower right corner immediately below the spreadsheet, which displays the contents of the e-notebook.
Before the package is deleted, a warning message will appear on the screen, asking for final confirmation before proceeding with the deletion process.
If the decision is confirmed, the file package will be deleted. However, the physical files, the information about which is recorded in the package, will remain where they were at the time of deletion (on local, mobile or server devices).
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