
BeMail - SAVE MESSAGESSave messages. Print messages.

FPS - BeMail


Types of saved methods

With BeMail, the operator can save both received or sent messages and a message list.

Each of the received and sent messages is saved in the corresponding table. The table stores information about who the sender is, to whom the message is addressed, what the topic is, what date it is filed, etc.
The lists so created can be saved or read from a local or cloud file.
Both the subscription and loading lists of sent and received messages are executed through the main program menu.
To do so, select the "Files" submenu, then specify one of the required functions as shown on the image.


Another option of activating these features is through keyboard shortcuts as follows:

  [ Ctrl+F2 ] - Loads from a file a list of sent messages.
  [ Ctrl+F3 ] - Save a list of sent messages.
  [ Ctrl+F4 ] - Deletes the list of sent messages.

  [ Ctrl+F6 ] - Loads from a file a list of received messages.
  [ Ctrl+F7 ] - Save a list of received messages in a file.
  [ Ctrl+F8 ] - Deletes the list of received messages.


Deleting lists of received and sent messages does not mean that the messages will be removed from the mail server, unless explicitly indicated.

In this version of the application, the saved local or cloud lists are partially protected. This means that the contents of the letters are completely protected, but the service information that is tied to Internet protocols is not protected.
With higher versions of the product, as well as those using multi-channel, anonymous mailboxes, the protection is complete. This is ensured by the fact that different protocols for information exchange are used.

Note: The exchange information is stored in binary files. This enables fast and reliable processing of large data.

Print messages

Every message we create, as well as any received message, can be printed on paper or converted to PDF, RTF or HTML.

To identify the printout, a system tag is displayed in the upper left corner. This tag provides official information about the application used to handle the message.

E-mail processed through BeMail in the LE version is marked "For official use".


In version LE, only printing or conversion of the selected message is performed.
In the higher versions of the product it is possible to process the information stored in the tables of received and sent messages.
